DHL Express Germany GmbH and the importer agree the customs clearance for incoming import shipments until revoked in writing. For this purpose, the importer grants DHL Express a power of attorney for direct customs representation in the name and for the account of the importer for the customs declaration with the specified EORI number. This authorization also entitles to grant a sub-authorization. The sub-authorization entitles to act as a customs representative and to grant a further sub-authorization. Customs clearance is per-formed by DHL Express itself or DHL Hub Leipzig GmbH or DHL Airways GmbH as customs service providers and sub-authorized representatives of DHL Express. DHL Express and its customs service providers are entitled to further subcontract and sub-authorized third parties. Annex I for the settlement of import duties and customs services is an integral part of this order.
If available, the importer shall provide DHL Express with a goods tariff list (incl. eleven-digit goods tariff number) as well as any permits required for clearance or valid binding information (e.g. binding customs tariff information). The importer is aware that incorrect or miss-ing information and documents for the customs declaration may lead to a different assessment or subsequent levying of import duties for which he is responsible. The importer therefore assures that he has provided all information and documents completely and correctly.
The authorized direct representation in accordance with Article 19 of the Union Customs Code also includes the application for post-clearance recovery, reimbursement or remission in the case of customs declarations to be amended or the invalidation of the customs declaration. The importer is aware that the actions of DHL Express or its customs service providers and sub-agents as its direct repre-sentative have direct legal effect against it.