For private customers: Want to return an order? This is how you do it.

Expansion of the Post & DHL app: More convenience for your customers

  • Improving digital touchpoints: The new "Meine Marken" section in the Post & DHL App as a central hub for all mobile parcel and return labels

  • Simplification of the drop-off process at all DHL locations: such as posting returns at a retail outlet or the use of app-controlled Packstations

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With DHL Retoure, you tailor your return solutions to the requirements of your online shop and the needs of your customers. Benefit from Germany's largest delivery network. 

All types of provision, optional services and GoGreen are a direct component of the DHL business customer contract and can thus be additionally booked individually for any or all shipments as needed. 

~ 13,000 retail outlets and sales points

~ 10,000 parcel shops

~ 15,000 Packstations and Poststations

~ 90,000 parcel delivery agents

The benefits for you

  • Flexible parcel return at one of around 38,000 drop-off points or directly to the DHL deliverer
  • Needs-based solutions for you and your customers 
  • Easy to set up using the Post & DHL Business Customer Portal
  • Many additional services bookable, such as GoGreen, bulky goods
  • Fast return shipment with daily collections from drop-off points

Type of delivery

Benefit from our various types of label provision for your customers.

With DHL Retoure as a QR code, you simply provide the return label digitally and give your customers the option of having it printed out at one of our DHL drop-off points or by a DHL courier.

  • Best possible service for you - we print the label
  • Transparency of all your customers' return requests 
  • Reduced processing costs by using the "Returns" function in the Post & DHL Business Customer Portal or our returns API
  • Digital posting receipt for digital tracking of returns dispatched by your end customers (only if customers' email address has been provided)

More information (info sheet)


Here's how:
  1. Returns are registered by your customers and the return label is provided digitally as a QR code. 
  2. DHL can print out the label for your customers using the QR code (validity: max. 30 days) and attach it to the return item.
  3. Customers can take their return to one of our many DHL drop-off points or hand it over to a DHL deliverer.

With DHL Retoure as a PDF, you provide your customers with the return label in a convenient digital form so they can print it out at home.

  • Transparency of all your customers' return requests 
  • Reduced processing costs by using the "Returns" function in the Post & DHL Business Customer Portal or our returns API
  • Digital posting receipt for digital tracking of returns dispatched by your end customers (only if customers' email address has been provided)

more information (info sheet)


Here's how:
  1. Returns are registered by your customers and the return label is provided digitally as a PDF.
  2. Your customers can print out the label themselves at home and attach it to the return item.
  3. Customers can take their return to one of our many DHL drop-off points or hand it over to a DHL deliverer.

With DHL Retoure as an enclosed label, there's no need for your customers to print a return label, and you have a convenient return option.

  • The quickest way to process returns 
  • Customer-friendly handling
  • Simple label production for your shipping logistics system 
  • Can be optimally combined with self-sealing packaging

more information (info sheet)


Here's how:
  1. In your shipping logistics system, you generate a return label in advance and enclose it with your parcel.
  2. To return a shipment, all your customers need to do is pack the item and attach the return label.
  3. Customers can take their return to one of our many DHL drop-off points or hand it over to a DHL deliverer.

With DHL Retoure as a provided label, you offer your customers the best possible service and arrange for us to pick up the return item from an individual customer's address and bring the completed return label to them.

  • Best possible service - we collect on the requested date from the preferred address anywhere in Germany and print the label
  • The return does not need to be taken to a DHL drop-off point and a label does not need to be prepared
  • Transparency of all your customers' return requests

More information (info sheet)


Here's how:
  1. A return is notified to you by your customer and your customer service orders the return up to 14 days in advance as a DHL individual pickup order on the Post & DHL Business Customer Portal.
  2. Your customers pack the return. 
  3. On the requested pickup day, a DHL deliverer collects the return and affixes the prepared return label while still on the premises.

Optional add-on services

Design your return solution flexibly to meet your needs and those of your customers and benefit from our innovative and convenient services.

DHL Retoure Selbstzahler is a convenient way for customers to return items - they purchase a pre-filled shipping label and pay the cost of the return themselves.

  • Without generating more work or expense, you can shift the cost of returns to your customers - permanently or occasionally
  • The return address you provide is used automatically 
  • The function is available to you free of charge using the "Returns" function on the Post & DHL Business Customer Portal
  • You can view the status of your returns at any time in the "Returns overview" on the Post & DHL Business Customer Portal

more information (info sheet)


The bulky goods service allows your customers to post return items with DHL that do not conform to standard dimensions, have an unusual format or special packaging features, or use certain packaging materials.

  • Flexible shipping for non-standard parcel dimensions or for items with special packaging formats, features or materials
  • Bulky goods are only invoiced if they are actually transported.

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Place an individual pickup order for your customers and we will conveniently pick up your return items at a preferred address anywhere in Germany. You can arrange pickup either online in the Post & DHL business customer portal or through DHL Customer Services.

  • Day-definite pickup of return items from any address in Germany (Monday to Saturday)
  • Flexible order placement and administration up to 14 calendar days in advance.

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With our offering, you ensure sustainable shipping and actively support climate protection projects.



The future belongs to companies that are actively committed to climate protection. Use the GoGreen service for your CO2-compensated return shipping needs and support climate protection initiatives to offset emissions.

  • Offsetting of transport-related CO2 emissions
  • Small price, big contribution to climate protection

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Offsetting of transport-generated carbon emissions through investment in certified climate protection projects.



GoGreen Plus takes our sustainable shipping to the next level. By relying on insetting, it reduces carbon emissions from the shipment of merchandise items within Germany.

  • Sustainable merchandise shipping through the avoidance of transport-related carbon emissions locally in Germany.
  • Meeting recipient demand for genuine avoidance of carbon emissions.

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Mit dem Post & DHL Geschäftskundenportal steuern Sie Ihren kompletten Paketversand schnell und bequem.

  • Zentraler Zugriff auf Ihre DHL Services zur bequemen Versandvorbereitung, Abholung, Retoure und Sendungsverfolgung
  • Einsicht in Ihre Kundendaten und Rechnungen
  • Online Bestellung von Versandmaterialien
  • Monatlicher Qualitäts- und Leistungsreport zu Ihrem Versand

Informationen und kostenlose Registrierung

Mit den DHL Wunschzustellung-Services haben Ihre Kunden die volle Flexibilität beim Paketempfang. Sie entscheiden, wann und wo sie ihre Sendungen empfangen. Bieten Sie Ihren Kunden die Wunschzustellung-Services an und steigern Sie damit ihre Zufriedenheit.

Weitere Informationen

There are in principle various ways for business customers to activate DHL Retoure in order to generate return labels. A business customer agreement is a requirement for customer activation. If you are not yet a business customer, click here

The return label can either be created directly as an insert via the "Versenden" (send) function in the Post & DHL Business Customer Portal, or generated as required using the "Retoure" (return) function. Of course, if you program your own dispatch logistics systems in-house, you can also use the product via our web service (API connection).

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DHL Retoure returns are billed on the basis of our production-based shipment data, ensuring that only returns actually transported are invoiced. 

You are provided with your shipment data in the form of individual proof of shipment, enabling you to keep track, even when there are large quantities of returns. In addition, they are used as a basis for billing.

Generally speaking, a flat rate applies to your returns, calculated on the basis of the total quantity.

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With DHL Retoure Selbstzahler, your customers purchase return shipping labels based on respective weight and dimensions via DHL's online franking service. Regular private customer pricing applies. Please feel free to advise your customers that return postage depends on the dimensions and weight of their item. For this reason, accurate dimension and weight information is necessary for selecting the right shipping label. It is also advisable to use smaller packaging units. Please also bear in mind that all outer packaging should be made of cardboard or paper.

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As a DHL business customer, we can offer you a new returns option for return shipments within Germany, whereby your end customers pay for return shipping labels. You provide your end customers with a link that takes them to DHL online franking, where they can purchase a pre-filled return shipping label with your returns address.

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The same conditions apply to return shipping labels as to all shipping labels that can be purchased by private customers via DHL online franking. Customers can either print out the shipping label at home themselves or simply show the QR code at one of our DHL drop-off points or to a DHL courier who can print it out for them. DHL Retoure Selbstzahler is only valid for return shipping within Germany.

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DHL Retoure labels do not expire. However, the QR code for mobile returns ceases to be valid after 30 days.

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In such cases, please contact technical support: 

+49 228 76367679 (German)
+49 228 76367659 (English)

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Other dispatch options