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Returns: DHL offers various shipping options

With DHL Returns, you can return parcels flexibly and around the clock1. Choose between numerous drop-off points, have your parcel collected from your home or hand it directly to the DHL delivery agent. You also do not have to print out the return label yourself. You can print it out via the QR code at one of the drop-off points or have the delivery agent print it out for you.

For business customers: Here you can find out everything about easy returns shipping for you and your customers.

  • ~ 13,000 retail outlets and sales points

  • ~ 10,000 parcel shops

  • ~ 15,000 Packstations and Poststations

  • ~ 90,000 parcel delivery agents

Return parcels with DHL - your benefits:

  • Flexible and convenient parcel return at one of around 38,000 drop-off points or directly to the delivery agent
  • Print out the returns label using the QR code at a branch, a DHL parcel shop, at a Packstation2 (possible without registering) or via the delivery agent
  • Convenient collection at home or at the agreed drop-off location 
  • Shipment tracking and liability up to EUR 500
  • Drop-off of unpackaged returns at one of around 38,000 drop-off points (handover of unpackaged returns to the delivery agent is not possible).


  • 1 Opening times may vary at certain locations.
  • 2 Max. parcel dimensions at Packstations 75 x 60 x 40 cm.

How would you like to send your return? 

DHL return as an enclosed label

1. Packaging returns.
Package your goods in a sturdy cardboard box or in the original packaging for secure and proper shipping.

2. Stick on the return label.
Stick the enclosed return label on the largest side of the package. Make sure that old labels or barcodes are no longer visible.

3. Drop off a return.
You can return your parcel to a branch, a parcel shop or a Packstation (possible without registration) or you can give it directly to the DHL delivery agent. Alternatively, you can also book a pick-up.

DHL returns as PDF

1. Packaging returns.
Package your goods in a sturdy cardboard box or in the original packaging for secure and proper shipping.

2. Print out the return label and stick it on.
Print out the PDF with the return label. Stick the return label on the largest side of the package. Make sure that old labels or barcodes are no longer visible.

3. Drop off a return.
You can return your parcel to a branch, a parcel shop or a Packstation (possible without registration) or you can give it directly to the DHL delivery agent. Alternatively, you can also book a pick-up.

DHL return as a QR code

1. Packaging returns.
Package your goods in a sturdy cardboard box or in the original packaging for secure and proper shipping. Make sure that old labels or barcodes are no longer visible.

2. Drop off returns and have the return label printed.
Show the QR code at a branch, parcel shop, Packstation (possible without registration) or to the DHL delivery agent and have the return label printed on the spot. (At the Packstation without a printer, the label is printed subsequently by the delivery agent when the item is collected)

Have you chosen the option to return the goods unpackaged to your retailer?
Drop your unpackaged returns easily at one of the more than 15,000 Packstations and Poststations using the QR code or show the QR code at one of our 13,000 or so partner branches or in one of more than 10,000 Paketshops and get a shipping bag to package your returns in. The returns label will be printed and attached for you very easily there and then.

DHL returns as a link to online franking

1. Packaging returns.
Package your goods in a sturdy cardboard box or in the original packaging for secure and proper shipping. Make sure that old labels or barcodes are no longer visible.

2. Purchase a shipping label.
Use the link provided by your retailer to access DHL online franking and purchase your pre-filled shipping label. 

3. Print out the label and stick it on or have us print it for you.
If you receive the shipping label as a PDF, print it out and stick it on your return. If you are using the QR code as a mobile label, you can have your shipping label printed out at a DHL drop-off point or by the DHL delivery agent. (At Packstations without a printer, the label is printed subsequently by the delivery agent when the item is collected.)

4. Drop off a return.
Drop off the return at a branch, a parcel shop or a Packstation (possible without registration) or directly to the DHL delivery agent. Alternatively, you can also book a pick-up.

DHL returns as a private package

1. Packaging returns.
Package your goods in a sturdy cardboard box or in the original packaging (no bags) for secure and proper shipping. Make sure that old labels or barcodes are no longer visible.

2. Purchase a shipping label.
If your retailer does not provide a return label, then select the appropriate shipping label for your return in DHL online franking and pay conveniently online.

3. Print out the label and stick it on or have us print it for you.
You can print out the shipping label purchased in DHL online franking yourself and stick it to your return. Alternatively, you can also use the QR code as a mobile label and have it printed out at a DHL drop-off point or by the DHL delivery agent. (At Packstations without a printer, the label is printed subsequently by the delivery agent when the item is collected.)

4. Drop off a return.
Drop off the return at a branch, a parcel shop or a Packstation (possible without registration) or directly to the DHL delivery agent. Alternatively, you can also book a pick-up.

Further information



You can track your return in the Post & DHL app by entering the tracking number. Alternatively, you can also track packages here.

When you return a package, DHL will take care of returning the goods. However, if the return is lost, it is your responsibility to prove that the return was sent. The proof of posting receipt that you receive when you drop off the DHL return at the respective drop-off point is your proof of this. You can conveniently receive your proof of posting receipt digitally if the mail order company provided your e-mail address when originally sending the item. For further information on the digital proof of posting receipt please see here.



We offset the greenhouse gas emissions generated during the transportation of your shipments by investing in certified climate protection projects worldwide. At no additional cost to you!

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