With DHL Express, your shipment to more than 220 countries always remains in our hands and is never handed over to third parties or freight forwarders. If something does go wrong, your goods and documents are comprehensively covered and protected against damage or loss with our insurance solutions - above and beyond the statutory liability limits.

Your Advantages

  • Financial protection in the event of loss or damage
  • Full reimbursement of the declared value of the goods
  • Fast claims settlement by DHL Express Customer Service
  • Coverage without a deductible

Service Shipment Insurance

Service Price Refund Amount
International 1 % of the value of the goods,
Mind. EUR 12.00

Full value of goods at the time of collection

Repair/restoration costs up to the value of the goods

Domestic 0,5 % of the value of the goods,
Mind. EUR 5.00

Service Extended Liability

Service Price Refund Amount
International EUR 5.00

Lost or damage
Flat-rate EUR 500.00

Domestic EUR 2.00

Ship directly & insure your shipment

  • Simply send without a contract
  • Calculate prices & ship directly
  • Payment by credit card or PayPal

Regular shipping for business customers

  • Shipping with DHL Express Account
  • Individual special conditions
  • Payment on account


Shipment insurance & Extended Liability

For the protection of your shipments of goods. The refund amount and the price of the service depend on the value of the goods sent. The value of goods plus freight costs will be reimbursed. The maximum sum insured is EUR 500,000 for international shipments and EUR 25,000 for domestic shipments.
Financial protection for your document shipments, e.g. important contractual documents, passports, visas, etc.  We go far beyond the statutory liability limits to guarantee you appropriate reimbursement. Reimbursement is made without proof of value and amounts to a flat rate of EUR 500 regardless of the value of the goods.

Transport insurance ensures that you are reimbursed for the actual and declared value of the goods and the freight costs.

Loss (e.g. theft, accidents, piracy or natural disasters) 
Reimbursement of the value of the shipment at the time of drop off or collection + freight costs
Reimbursement of repair/restoration costs up to the amount of the shipment value
The sum insured is the value of the goods stated during shipment booking. The value to be compensated refers to the value of a replacement or restoration of the shipment.
DHL Express offers a reimbursement of EUR 500, deviating from the statutory liability rules, without proof of value - both in the event of loss or damage to the documents.

During the booking process, you will be asked how high the value of your shipment is. At this point, you have the option of booking "Shipment Insurance" via a tick box.

Screenshot Transportversicherung Express

When booking a document shipment, the service "Extended liability" is also offered to you during the shipment booking process. As the insurance number is a flat rate of EUR 500, no shipment value is requested in this case.

If shipping is stored in your merchandise management systems or store systems, the booking is made by entering the value of the goods in combination with the corresponding service code.

With DHL Express Shipment Insurance, you are reimbursed for the actual value of the insured shipment.

In comparison, shippers only receive compensation in accordance with the statutory maximum liability limits, which is normally well below the actual value of the goods. The scope of liability depends on the mode of transportation and is therefore based either on the statutory provisions of the German Commercial Code (HGB), the Montreal Convention or the CMR*1.

DHL Express Shipment Insurance

International Domestic

Full refund of the full value of the goods + freight costs

Full refund of the full value of goods + freight costs

Statutory liability

International Domestic

22 SZR *2
 (~EUR 27) per kg        

8.33 SZR *2
(~EUR 10) per kg

In deviation from the liability rules according to HGB, full reimbursement up to a damage amount of EUR 500, unless liability according to HGB (8.33 SDR/kg) is higher.

Example: Refund amount in the event of loss of a shipment to the USA

  • Weight 100 kg. Value of goods EUR 80,000, freight costs EUR 3,000

DHL Express Shipment Insurance

Statutory liability (Air transport)

EUR 83,000
Value of goods EUR 80,000
+ freight carges EUR 3,000

EUR 6,224
26  SZ * x 1.24 x 100 kg  EUR 3,224
+ freight carges EUR 3,000

In the event of damage or loss of the shipment, simply report the damage to DHL Express Customer Service by telephone or via our online form. The claim is processed directly by DHL Express, so you don't have to worry about anything else.

The damage is always reported by the shipper or the person who booked and paid for the shipment. The sender also receives the reimbursement amount when the claim is settled.

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