Energy surcharge

Month Surcharge
May 24 1.25%
Jun 24 1.25%
Jul 24 1.25%
Aug 24 0.00%
Sep 24 0.00%
Oct 24 1.25%
Nov 24 1.25%
Dec 24 1.25%
Jan 25 1.25%
Feb 25 1.25 %
Mar 25 1.25 %
Apr 25 1.25 %

The average surcharge for the base year 2023 was 1.25%.

The energy surcharge is our response to energy costs that are outside of our control. The percentage-based addition to the shipment price is derived from the current energy mix for an average shipment and takes into consideration the weighted values of relevant statistical indices for diesel, natural gas and electricity1.



For years now, we have taken a range of steps to reduce the carbon emissions we generate. Today, for example, we now use gas-powered vehicles and over 20,000 electric vehicles in our delivery operations. We also intend to gradually reduce our reliance on fossil fuels in the coming years. More information about our path to zero emissions in Germany can be found here.

Surcharges will be updated no more than once per month. The threshold value and the latest surcharges can be found in the table below.

The calculation of the surcharge is based on the average index for 2023.

The published indices as of the first day of the billing month are decisive for the calculation. Retroactive changes to the indices are not considered.

Index intervals Surcharge
from to  
  75 0.00%
> 75 85 0.75%
> 85 115 1.25%
> 115 125 2.50%
> 125 135 3.25%
+ 0.75% for each additional 10 index points


The current index value (January 25) is 98.9. The energy surcharge for April 2025 is therefore 1.25%.

The surcharge is added as a percentage to the base price for your shipment and commercially rounded to whole cents.

Example: The price for your parcel is EUR 5.00. The energy surcharge is 1.25%. The total price including the energy surcharge is then EUR 5.06.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

In delivery operations, our 120,000 staff members deliver the mail to a significant degree on foot, by bike and in electric vehicles. The overall result is that today we provide zero-carbon delivery in approximately 50% of our districts. For long-distance transport between our parcel centers, 6% of parcel volumes go by rail.  The rest are transported, as they are in our pickup services, almost exclusively with diesel vehicles. But we are actively working on these areas as well, which is why we annually update the energy mix for shipping. Thanks to our numerous investments in sustainability, today we can charge considerably lower energy surcharges than our competitors.

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1 The following indices are used: Producer price index for diesel for major consumers (GP19 20 26 005 2), Producer price index for natural gas for industry (GP09-3522 22) and Producer price index for electricity for customers with special agreements (GP09-3511 14/15).