If your parcel shipment has not yet been delivered, we recommend that you first check the status of your parcel online at DHL Shipment Tracking.
In some cases, the status of your parcel may not change for several days. Usually, the parcel has been taken out of the fully automated process at the parcel centre. This can happen for a number of reasons. Here are some reasons that the delivery of your parcel might be delayed:
- The address on the shipment is faulty or incomplete (e.g. a transposed postal code or a missing house number).
- The shipping label was completed in illegible handwriting.
- The shipping label has fallen off the shipment.
- The packaging around the shipment has opened during transport or has been slightly damaged externally and needs to be repackaged.
If the shipment status has not changed for more than 5 workdays, you can request an investigation. If you are the recipient of the shipment, we recommend that you first consult with the sender of the shipment. This generally results in a quick fix for you.
Parcel or small package enquiry
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Express national or international enquiry
(Registered) letter, value or postcard enquiry
Note on international letter or postcard enquiry: Due to the provisions of the Universal Postal Convention, international enquiries about letters and consignments of books and goods are unfortunately not possible.
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