Assistance wih the pick-up code

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Frequently asked questions

As a Packstation user, you receive a pick-up code for each parcel via the Post & DHL app (please activate your push notifications). Together with your customer card, this code entitles you to pick up your shipment and remains valid until you have removed your shipment(s) from the Packstation.

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The collection of shipments works best when the device is online or has an active connection to the internet.

However, as some Packstations are located in places without or with poor network coverage (such as in metro stations), it is ensured that the pick-up code is still being displayed in the app without an active internet connection. In this case it is adviseable to open the Packstation tab in the Post & DHL app when there is still an internet connection.

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As a Packstation customer, at the moment you still have the option of collecting your shipments from the Packstation using your customer card and the four-digit pick-up code. Soon, you will only be able to receive the pick-up code via the Post & DHL app. For security reasons, you will no longer receive an e-mail with your pick-up code.

As soon as you have activated your mobile device via the Post & DHL app, you will receive the new, scannable pick-up code directly in the app. 

Please note: Once you have activated your smartphone for the new scannable pick-up code, you can only use the new collection process and will only receive the pick-up code in the app and no longer by e-mail.

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This is not possible because the new pick-up code is constantly regenerated for security reasons.

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In this case, you can enter the code manually. You will find the ten-digit code, starting with an A, directly below the QR code in the app.

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You can simply scan the new QR- pick-up code at the Packstation.

However, if you enter the code manually and make a mistake, you can simply try again.

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This is not possible, but also not necessary: The new pick-up code is automatically regenerated at short, regular intervals.

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Some older Packstations do not yet support the process of scanning pick-up codes from a smartphone. In this case, the code must be entered manually and therefore the corresponding machines only display the code in plain text.

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Yes, the automatic synchronisation of the time on your device is important, otherwise no valid pick-up code can be generated.

However, it is possible that a different time zone is set on the mobile device. This will be automatically recognised by the app.

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For further information please visit the german Customer service page.